
FileScanAPI offers a robust solution for malware detection. Simply upload a file directly to our platform, or direct us to a file's URL, and our API service will analyze it. We deliver an API response in real-time that identifies potential malware threats, ensuring your digital environment remains secure.


Definition Description
API Key Uniquely assigned key to each API account to authenticate interactions with the API.


The FileScanAPI uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API key in the dashboard.

Please ensure to keep your API Key private as each request made with your API Key counts towards your account's plan limit.

To make an successful request, you must pass in your API Key into every request

We provide two ways to pass in your API Key for every request. Method one is to append your API Key to the request url. Method two is to pass in the API Key via the request header.

Method 1:

Method 2:

curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

API Quota

To determine your current request quota, you can take a look at the response header after a request.

Response Headers

Key Description
X-API-CURRENT Number of requests consumed for the month.
X-API-QUOTA API quota limit for the month based on your account plan.

API Endpoints

We offer 3 endpoints, all which provides you access to different kinds of data. Below you will find a short summary of all available endpoints. Detailed explaination of any of the endpoints below will be provided in API Features.

// "file" - retrieve file Status and response (if processed).

// "async file" - analyze a file asynchronously

// "sync file" - analyze a file synchronously

API Error Codes

If your query fails, the API will return a 3-digit error-code and a plain text "info" property.

Example Error

  "success": false,
  "error": {
      "code": 104,
      "info": "Your monthly usage limit has been reached. Please upgrade your subscription plan."

Common API Errors

Error Code Description
404 User requested a non-existent API function
500 Something went wrong, please try again.
101 User did not supply an API Key
102 User did not supply an access key or supplied an invalid access key. Please sign up for a FREE API Key at
103 The user's account is not active or this API key is deactivated
104 Too May Requests
105 User has reached or exceeded his subscription plan\'s monthly API request allowance
201 Invalid parameters
202 Upload failed
203 File is too large
204 Check "location" parameter. Unable to download file
205 Request timed out
206 No file id found

Additional Resources

API Response Samples Download
Postman Project See more



Retrieve file Status and response (if processed).

Example API Request

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
api_key [Required] Your API Key. More details.
id [Required] Specify id.


File Response

Async File


Analyze a file asynchronously. We recommend this endpoint vs. sync analysis, especially with larger files.

Example API Request

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
api_key [Required] Your API Key. More details.
location [optional] Specify file parameter or location parameter. Specify url where file is located.
file [optional] Specify file parameter or location parameter. Specify file to upload.
metadata [optional] Key value. Example use case is to store data and business logic such as internal IDs to be used post-processing.
callback [Required] Specify callback url to call when our servers finish processing your file.

Example Location API Request

curl --location '' \
  --header 'x-api-key: [API_KEY]' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "location": "",
      "metadata": {
          "filename": "demo.png"
      "callback": ""

Example File API Request

curl --location '' \
  --header 'x-api-key: [API_KEY]' \
  --form 'file=@""' \
  --form 'metadata[filename]=""' \
  --form 'metadata[description]="description"' \
  --form 'callback=""'


File Response

Sync File


Analyze a file synchronously. Async analysis is recommended for larger files.

Example API Request

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
api_key [Required] Your API Key. More details.
location [optional] Specify file parameter or location parameter. Specify url where file is located.
file [optional] Specify file parameter or location parameter. Specify file to upload.
metadata [optional] Key value. Example use case is to store data and business logic such as internal IDs to be used post-processing.

Example Location API Request

curl --location '' \
  --header 'x-api-key: [API_KEY]' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "location": "",
      "metadata": {
          "filename": "demo.png"

Example File API Request

curl --location '' \
  --header 'x-api-key: [API_KEY]' \
  --form 'file=@""' \
  --form 'metadata[filename]=""' \
  --form 'metadata[description]="description"'


File Response

File Response

Download sample responses

Example API Response

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": "46b3b1b3-83b8-4153-8035-eefe41894789",
    "created_at": "2024-03-18T20:48:17.998Z",
    "status": {
      "code": 200,
      "message": "success"
    "result": [],
    "metadata": {
      "filename": "currency.csv"
    "stat": {
      "content_length": 4456,
      "checksum_md5": "bcc146cc324ddd4cf6d96a8416e966f3",
      "checksum_sha1": "03dafc63a05fa848a9c662fd180c513661e9d229",
      "checksum_sha256": "8a4d19d18c30b7774cd68355aef0e889bb88f9e29965dcd126374e32d2a2d87e",
      "created_at": "2024-03-18T20:48:20.062Z",
      "last_modified": "2024-03-18T20:48:20.354Z"

Response Attributes

Attribute Description
success Returns true or false depending if the API Request succeeded. If false, refer to API Errors.
   id Unique ID of the response. Use this ID in file endpoint
   created_at When the file was created in FileScanAPI system.
   status Analysis status
code message Description
100 in progress
200 success
301 callback url failed Check the callback url passed in. Callback url http status code is non-successful response.
   result Name of malware found. Array will be empty if no malware found. Prefixed with mal.
   metadata Depending on the key that is passed in. Returns key values of the argument metadata
   stat File statistics
      content_length File's content length
      checksum_md5 File's md5 checksum
      checksum_sha1 File's sha1 checksum
      checksum_sha256 File's sha256 checksum
      created_at File's created_at
      last_modified File's last_modified